In this chapter, the possible number of venomous species of fishes and tetrapods occurring globally; the venom types and clinical manifestations of stings of different fish groups; the ecology and biodiversity of venomous catfishes; and envenomation of catfishes of both freshwater and marine environments are dealt with.

Venomous animals of aquatic environments often pose problems for commercial fishermen, anglers, and seafood processors. Among these animals, many species of fishes are known for their envenomation and toxicity. The common venomous fish species known for envenomation are catfish (Plotosus lineatus), stonefish (Synanceia verrucosa), lionfish (Pterois volitans), stingray (Taeniura meyeni), waspfish (Hypodytes rubripinnis), rabbitfish (Siganus canaliculatus), and silver scat (Selenotocota multifasciata). Among these fishes, catfish, stonefish, and lionfish have been designated as first, second, and third, respectively, as per their envenomation (Chan et al., 2010). Among the various groups of fishes, the ray-finned fishes (Actinopterygii) rank the first in venomosity followed by catfishes. The diversity of venomous species of fishes and tetrapods; and the venom type and symptoms of various venomous fish groups are given below.