Cyclopentane is a highly volatile constituent in the cycloparaffin fraction of crude oil. Cyclopentane is released to the environment via the manufacture, use and disposal of many products associated with the petroleum and gasoline industries. Cyclopentane is a component of gasoline, and has been identified as a product of combustion engines. Photolysis or hydrolysis of cyclopentane are not expected to be important in terrestrial environments. Limited data suggests that cyclopentane is recalcitrant to biodegradation. Photolysis or hydrolysis of cyclopentane in aquatic systems are not expected to be important fate processes. Limited data suggests that cyclopentane is recalcitrant to biodegradation. Based on the vapor pressure, cyclopentane is expected to exist almost entirely in the vapor phase in ambient air. Pure culture studies showed various isolated species of bacteria were unable to utilize cyclopentane as a single carbon source in soil.