n-Decane is a constituent in the paraffin fraction of crude oil and natural gas. n-Decane is released to the environment via the manufacture, use, and disposal of many products associated with the petroleum and gasoline industries. The combustion of plastics, gasoline and diesel fuels have been shown to release n-decane into the atmosphere. Photolysis or hydrolysis of n-decane is not expected to be important in terrestrial environments. The biodegradation of n-decane may occur in soils; however, volatilization and adsorption are expected to be far more important fate processes. Photolysis and hydrolysis of n-decane in aquatic systems are not expected to be important. Based on the vapor pressure, n-decane is expected to exist almost entirely in the vapor phase in ambient air. n-Decane was identified in 14 of 14 treated water supplies in England. n-Decane was listed as one of the many organic chemicals identified in drinking water in the USA as of 1974 and as of 1982.