Edge computing, often projected as an extension to cloud, renders its design to deal with challenges of traditional cloud-based Internet of Things (IoT). Edge enlightens its features of low latency, real-time interaction, location awareness, mobility support, geo-distribution, etc. over cloud. Edge by nature does not work on cloud, but instead on a network edge for facilitating higher speeds. Edge improves the ability to process tasks in real time. The industrial sector is revolutionized by ever-changing technical advancements and IoT, which is a young discipline embraced by manufacturing thereby bringing in Manufacturing IoT. This chapter presents the fundamentals for the heterogeneous network modeling and dynamic scheduling of resources in subsequent chapters. First, edge intelligence and its architecture in customized manufacturing are briefly introduced. Second, the key technologies of edge computing in customized manufacturing are discussed in detail. Finally, the validation of relevant key methods of edge intelligence in customized manufacturing environment is given.