Organizations are adopting Industry 4.0 technology to improve productivity, streamline processes, and gain a competitive edge in the era of fast digital transformation. However, this heightened danger of cyber threats and vulnerabilities also results from our greater reliance on digital technology and connectivity. Organizations require a thorough cybersecurity strategy designed for Industry 4.0 to solve these issues. The three key phases of this plan are as follows. In order to comprehend the unique dangers and vulnerabilities, it is important first to understand the convergence of physical and digital systems, IoT devices, cloud computing, and AI in Industry 4.0. A plan must be created, and risk assessments must be conducted in order for businesses to identify potential hazards, evaluate their effects, and rank areas for improvement. This stage makes ensuring that cybersecurity activities are in line with company objectives and resources. The evaluation and improvement of cybersecurity processes involve continuous monitoring, threat intelligence, incident response capabilities, and the adoption of new security technology, in addition to routine security audits, penetration testing, and employee awareness training.