The Opening Ceremony for Solar Decathlon was set for 10 am on Thursday, September 26, 2002. More than 300 invited guests arrived to hear the opening remarks, followed by a moving rendition of the national anthem performed by “The President’s Own” United States Marine Band. After words of welcome from the U.S. Secretary of Energy and major sponsors of the event, the 14 teams were introduced. An official ribbon-cutting ceremony declared the Solar Village open to the public. Richard reflects on that memorable moment: “I could hardly believe this was happening. Focusing on all the details required to pull this off called for my full attention. Then all of a sudden here I was, watching my far-fetched dream come true on the National Mall. Teams were there, houses were built, exhibition tents were open, staff and volunteers were ready, and dignitaries showed up. Everything was in place, but I was still worried about one fundamental aspect of my vision: Would the Solar Village attract visitors to fulfill the mission for public education?” The answer to that question was soon to come.