After learning about European competitions that spanned 12 years, we move our attention back to the United States where Richard King was searching for a location for Solar Decathlon 2013 (SD 2013). The highly successful 2011 event in West Potomac Park was a one-time arrangement, so a different site was needed for the next competition. The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) issued a solicitation on October 18, 2011 to seek a new host and partnership agreement with city, state, and local governments for the next U.S. DOE Solar Decathlon. Several applications were submitted, and three venues looked promising: Kansas City, Missouri; San Diego, California; and the Orange County Great Park (OCGP) in Irvine, California. To evaluate the possibilities and determine which site best met the necessary criteria, Richard made onsite visits to all three places. There were pros and cons for each, but one spot stood out: the OCGP in Southern California.