The nexus between land use and climate change is a critical aspect of sustainable development, particularly in Nepal. This opinion and desktop-based book explores the interconnections between land use and climate change in Nepal, highlighting key challenges and opportunities.

Nepal, with its diverse topography and ecosystems, is highly vulnerable to climate change. The country’s unique land-use patterns, including agriculture, forest cover, and urbanization, play a significant role in shaping climate resilience and carbon balance. However, rapid population growth, urbanization, and changing land-use practices have resulted in environmental degradation and increased greenhouse gas emissions. Deforestation, driven by agricultural expansion, infrastructure development, and unsustainable logging, has contributed to carbon emissions and loss of vital ecosystem services. Furthermore, the conversion of forested land into agricultural fields has affected biodiversity, soil erosion, and water resources, worsening the vulnerability of communities to climate change. However, sustainable land-use practices, such as afforestation, reforestation, and agroforestry, have the potential to mitigate climate change 2impacts and enhance resilience. The promotion of climate-smart agriculture, watershed management, and community-based forestry can help conserve ecosystems, sequester carbon, and improve livelihoods. This study exemplifies the complex relationship between land use and climate change. Balancing landuse practices, conserving forests, and biodiversity, and promoting sustainable agriculture are essential for achieving climate resilience and sustainable development in the country. Nepal can move toward a more sustainable and climate-resilient future by addressing the nexus between land use and climate change. The purpose of this book is to present the major concept of this issue, encourage further research, and apply solution pathways to mitigate the problems created by anthropogenic disturbances in the Earth’s ecosystem.