In Chapter 6, we learned about REST APIs and developed a weather forecast app that retrieves data from an online database. Data management primarily involves four fundamental operations: Create, Read, Update, and Delete. Typically, when building a production-level application, you will create your server and enable access to these four operations, which may require substantial time and resources. Fortunately, Google's Firebase platform provides a robust solution that allows developers to manage their user data with minimal setup and registration. This chapter will explore various Firebase services while building a Tour Guide application.

Additionally, we will also learn to use the navigation component. A library that provides simple and consistent navigation patterns to make it easier to switch between different screens in an app. The tour guide app will have different screens where each visual element will be displayed using a Fragment rather than the Activity. During this chapter, you will learn how navigation makes it easier to move between these screens, including facilitating interactions between them, like passing data from one screen to another.