Successful quality control practices in ART labs include staff training, competency assessment, and participation in external quality assurance programmes.

Several fertility clinics have implemented quality control programmes, leading to increased pregnancy rates and improved procedures.

Real-world mix-ups in ART labs have caused emotional distress and legal battles for affected families.

Proper quality control, regulation, and transparency are essential in fertility clinics to minimise the risk of errors.

ART labs must implement strict protocols and witnessing systems to prevent mix-ups and witness failures.

The fertility industry should continuously work on improving procedures and protocols.

It is imperative to offer emotional assistance and counselling services to individuals affected by errors in IVF labs.

A robust legal framework is needed to address the consequences of IVF mistakes.

Regular reviews and updates to standard operating procedures can ensure they align with current best practices and guidelines from professional organisations.

Centres should provide ongoing education and training opportunities for ART lab staff to enhance skills and remain current with new developments in the field.

Centres should establish a transparent and efficient system for reporting and addressing errors or incidents in ART labs to facilitate learning and continuous improvement.

Centres should encourage patient involvement and communication throughout the ART process to confirm patients are well-informed and comfortable with the procedures.

Centres should monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of implemented quality control practices and make adjustments to optimise patient outcomes.