The optimal performance and prevention of equipment failure are contingent upon each equipment type’s appropriate maintenance and calibration.

Quality control assessments on lab consumables, such as pipettes, culture dishes, and media, are critical to ensuring accurate and reliable results.

Avoiding contamination requires adhering to strict procedures for managing, storing, and disposing of consumables.

Equipment logs should include the date, technician name, tasks executed, and any identified issues.

ART labs must maintain a preventive maintenance schedule to reduce equipment downtime and prevent failure.

The execution of preventive maintenance tasks requires the cleaning, calibration, and replacement of parts as required.

A preventive maintenance schedule helps equipment perform better and prevents costly repairs and downtime.

ART laboratories guarantee a secure and safe environment for ART procedures by adhering to strict equipment maintenance and calibration guidelines.

Proper equipment maintenance and calibration help with adequate fertilisation, embryo development, and cryopreservation, ultimately contributing to successful treatment outcomes and patient satisfaction.