Andrology is essential to ART laboratories, focusing on male fertility and related procedures.

Semen analysis is a basic andrology procedure that assesses sperm concentration, motility, and morphology.

Swim-up, density gradient centrifugation, and simple wash are employed to isolate high-quality sperm and increase the likelihood of successful fertilisation.

Quality control in andrology is crucial for ensuring the accuracy and reliability of laboratory results and maintaining a high standard of patient care.

Troubleshooting common andrology procedure problems involves addressing low sperm count, poor motility, abnormal morphology, and contamination.

Regular maintenance and calibration of equipment and staff training are essential to minimise errors and ensure smooth laboratory operations.

Following established protocols and guidelines provided by the World Health Organisation is essential to enhancing the quality of andrology services in ART laboratories.

Continuous monitoring and evaluation of laboratory processes and procedures are necessary to identify areas of improvement and to maintain high success rates in ART.

Effective communication among laboratory staff and collaboration with other healthcare professionals can help optimise patient outcomes and laboratory performance.

Advancements in technology and research will continue to shape andrology practices, leading to improved diagnostic and treatment options for male infertility.