India is one of the most suited countries in the world for year-round production of fruit and vegetables due to characteristics such as crop diversity, soil, personnel, technology, geographic, and climatic circumstances. Climate, cultural practices, poor storage conditions, and insufficient handling during shipping are only few of the factors that contribute to product degradation. Cold or high temperatures, blanching to inactivate enzymes and microbes, curing of root vegetables to improve shelf life, and chemical preservatives to suppress pests after harvest are all examples of pre-processing methods used on fruits and vegetables. Fruit and vegetable physiological deterioration is the term used to describe the natural ageing process. The preservation of fruits and vegetables in rural settings can be accomplished through a variety of ways, such as fermentation, sun drying, osmotic dehydration, and refrigerated storage. The shelf life of sun dried and fermented fruit and vegetables can be extended by several months by storing them at room temperature or in low-temperature refrigerator.