With the rapid advancements in AI, integrating human-like traits, such as emotions and planning behavior, into digital personalities has become a promising area of research. However, the intersection of artificial intelligence and human psychology poses ethical and technical challenges. This research investigates planning behavior in digital personalities within the context of AI applications, virtual assistants, and social robots. It considers both theoretical frameworks and practical implementations, considering the ethical, social, and psychological dimensions. The main challenge is to strike a balance between sophisticated planning capabilities and unintended consequences in AI systems. Ensuring that digital personalities can effectively anticipate and address complex tasks while being predictable and controllable remains a critical issue. The Chapter aims to explore the potential benefits and risks associated with planning behavior in digital personalities. It seeks to propose guidelines and design principles for creating responsible and effective AI systems that leverage planning behavior to enhance user interactions and task performance. Through an in-depth analysis of existing AI systems with planning behavior, it becomes evident that striking the right balance between adaptability and predictability is essential. Observations suggest that incorporating user preferences and transparency in the decision-making process can foster user trust and acceptance of AI-driven digital personalities, leading to seamless and productive human-machine collaborations.