The proliferation of digital technologies has generated vast amounts of personal data, including autobiographical logs created through various platforms. Utilizing these logs to understand and construct digital personality’s presents a fusion of online and offline identities. Existing research focuses on online behaviors and user profiling, neglecting the potential of autobiographical logs in shaping digital personas. This study collects and analyzes autobiographical logs from social media, blogs, forums, and other sources, exploring how individuals curate their digital personas through self-expression, narrative framing, and identity projection. Ethical and privacy implications of digital personality construction are examined. Despite the abundance of autobiographical data, understanding the intricate connections between digital personas and human behavior remains challenging. Risks associated with reliance on autobiographical logs, such as information manipulation and privacy breaches, require careful consideration. The lack of established frameworks for analyzing this data hinders effective utilization for understanding and optimizing digital personalities. The primary goal of this study is to explore how autobiographical logs shape digital personalities and establish a framework for their analysis. Ethical and privacy concerns will be addressed, providing guidelines for responsible use in research and applications. This work seeks to advance the understanding of the interplay between human behavior and digital technologies, shedding light on the complex and evolving nature of digital personalities. Autobiographical logs offer unique insights into individuals’ self-perception and emotions, providing a deeper understanding of the alignment between digital and offline identities. Analyzing these logs reveals patterns and changes in digital personalities over time, contributing to personalized digital experiences and services. Ethical considerations and informed consent are vital when handling autobiographical logs, ensuring responsible data governance and user empowerment.