The process of composting of organic material using earthworms is known as vermicomposting. Vermicompost is a product prepared by composting which is an accelerated biodegradation process of organic materials using earthworms and various organisms through non-thermophilic decomposition. Earthworms directly influences the microbial community of soil and it maintains normal chemical and physical properties of soil, due to which it is popularly called the “farmer’s friend”. Vermicompost-treated plants show accelerated growth which might be due to the presence of growth hormones, micronutrients such as carotenoids, flavones, and phenolic compounds in vermicompost. Nitrogen is very essential constituent of all amino acids and protein. Deficiency of nitrogen directly decreases the growth of plants leading to chlorosis, stunted and slow growth. Earthworms activity causes increase in total phosphorus concentration in soil in comparison to the food source available in soil. This dearly indicates that the vermicomposting causes increase in phosphorus level through the mineralization of phosphoric organic compounds.