This chapter is inspired by US Patent 7,060,094, Accommodating Zonular Mini-Bridge Implants. It is also published in pdf form: US000007060094B220060613 (https://www.pat2pdf.org" xmlns:xlink="https://www.w3.org/1999/xlink">pat2pdf.org).

Surgical correction of presbyopia and hyperopia can be done by a circularly distributed assembly of mini-bridges implanted between the interior surface of the ciliary muscle and the exterior surface of the lens capsule, for augmenting the transmission of the contraction force of the ciliary muscle/zonule assembly to the lens capsule. The lens is symmetrically squeezed by mini-bridges acting in concert with the ciliary muscle, thus changing the curvature of the lens. The mini-bridges are composite synthetic muscles comprising passive biocompatible mini-bridges made with polymeric gels, silicone polymers, or a composite; electromagnetically or mechanically deployable mini-bridges, inflatable balloons, or synthetic muscles. The surgical procedure uses a ciliary muscle relaxant to stretch the lens/zonules/ciliary muscle assembly. An ultrasonic biomicroscope (UBM) is then used, which enables a surgeon to see the area for implantation and the mini-bridges and thus perform endoscopic or incisional surgery to implant the mini-bridges in and around zonular cavities.

134This application is based on US Provisional Application Ser. No. 60/223,141 entitled “Surgical Correction of Presbyopia by Synthetic Muscle Bridge Implants (Virtual Reading Glasses)” filed on August 7, 2000, the teachings of which are incorporated herein by reference.