In order to demonstrate the power of a unified theory, which contains Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity [1] and Quantum Theory, we already require at least a suitable approach for such a theory. In this brief study, we will not waste our time with all the many attempts to find such an approach (string and brane theory, M-theory, loop gravity, …), but directly apply an ansatz which was introduced by the German mathematician David Hilbert over 105 years ago [2]. Interestingly, so far, it apparently was not seen by most scientists that Hilbert’s approach already contained it all, which is to say that it had the potential to unify the two important fields of physics and— rather directly—leads us to a Theory of Everything or World Formula. In order to prove that we indeed find a sufficiently complete theory in Hilbert’s classical approach, here we need to give at least a minimum of mathematical background and necessary equations resulting from our path. Only then the consequences with respect to future warfare technologies and strategies can be fully understood, accepted, and appreciated.