Already years ago, the author considered the strategic importance of hypersonic elements in warfare. In fact, the first documents he had written to this topic are from the nineties of the last century. Admittedly, he never published anything about it, at least not before his first very brief study about future warfare in a “unified physics environment” [215], but still this was months before the Ukraine war. The latter then clearly showed the total ignorance of the so-called NATO experts regarding the strategic importance of hypersonic flight (and many more other military aspects, too). This author thinks that the Russian superiority in this fields leads not only to a significant advantage for their forces but to a rather general superiority in a very holistic manner. To the NATO forces, this is no less than yet another Sputnik-disaster and a paradigm shift. But taking the structural weakness of the whole organization, its intrinsic corruption, and rotten core, especially regarding the entanglement with the military industrial complex, this all can hardly come as a surprise.