The Basidiomycota contains about 30,000 described species, which is 37% of the described species of true Fungi. The most conspicuous and familiar Basidiomycota are those that produce mushrooms, which are sexual reproductive structures. Basidiomycota are found in virtually all terrestrial ecosystems, as well as freshwater and marine habitats. Basidiomycota are unicellular or multicellular, sexual or asexual, and terrestrial or aquatic. Indeed, Basidiomycota are so variable that it is impossible to identify any morphological characteristics that are both unique to the group and constant in the group. Sexual reproduction results in the production of basidium bearing haploid basidiospores. Basidiospores are formed as a result of karyogamy and meiosis taking place in basidium. Basidiocarp is a fruiting body that bears basidia which may be crust like, gelatinous, papery, spongy, corky, woody in texture. They vary in size from microscopic to a meter or more in diameter.