Certain flowering plants (Phanerogams) also parasitize the crop plants in addition to the microorganisms. They produce flowers and seeds and parasitize their host by drawing nutrition and water. The angiospermic parasites can also be classified as holoparasites (total parasites) or hemiparasites (semi-parasites). Phanerogams have haustoria as absorping organ, which are sent deep into the vascular bundle of the host to draw water and nutrients. The haustoria in general secrete some pectolytic and cellulolytic enzymes which soften the host tissue. Some phanerogams have green leaves, roots and they have the ability to synthesis food materials but they obtain only the mineral constituents of food from the host, then they are called hemiparasite/ waterparasite/ partial parasite. The haustoria in general secrete some pectolytic and cellulolytic enzymes which soften the host tissue.