Nematology is an important branch of biological science, which deals with a complex, diverse group of round worms known as Nematodes that occur worldwide in essentially all environments. Nematodes are also known as eelworms in Europe, nemas in the United States and round worms by zoologists, four out of five animals are nematodes in abundance. The damage to plants caused by nematodes is often overlooked because the associated symptoms, including slow growth, stunting and yellowing, can also be attributed to nutritional and water related disorders. Nematology as a separate branch of Agriculture Science in India has been recognized only about 37 years back. The history and development of Nemtology in India have been listed below in chronological order. Even though nematodes occupy nearly every habitat on earth, they are remarkably similar in morphology and life stages. Despite their structural complexity, certain basic principles are common to all nematodes.