Fungi reproduce predominantly by spores, which are reproductive units composed of one or a few cells. Spores may be produced by sexual reproduction or vegetative (asexual) reproduction, as in a type of budding in which the spore is genetically identical to the hypha from which it originated. Conidia may be formed by specialized hyphae or hyphal branches that cut off the terminal cell. A hypha that carries one or more conidia is a conidiophore. Sporangiospores are spores that are produced in a sporangium. When the asexual spores are produced internally, within the sporangia, such spores are called sporangiospores. The sac like sporangia which produces sporangiospores is called sporangium. Some fungal species are known to undergo genetic recombination between individuals by parasexual events. This can occur when hyphae of two different individuals merge, resulting in genetically different nuclei in the cell.