In the kingdom Eumycota, true fungi are a varied and ubiquitous group of microorganisms. Fungal microorganisms are eukaryotic and heterotrophic. The vast majority of fungi are small, although some, such as mushrooms and bracket fungi, have huge fruiting bodies, few are anaerobic. The life cycle of the majority of fungus includes both sexual and asexual reproduction. Spores are the primary method of reproduction for fungi. The Phylum Chytridiomycota is one of the five true phyla of fungi. There is only one class in the Phylum Chytridiomycota, the Chytridiomycetes. The chytrids are the simplest and most primitive Eumycota, or true fungi. The ecological habitat and cell structure of chytrids have much in common with protists. Chytrids usually live in aquatic environments, although some species live on land.