Zygomycota are commonly thought of as bread molds, but there are many species of fungi within this classification that form symbiotic relationships with plants or infect animal hosts. Two other common names for Zygomycota are pin molds and sugar molds. These fungi are mainly terrestrial, and their spores are dispersed by air. They are saprophytes or weak plant parasites that can cause soft rot or moulds. Thallus made of branched mycelia which are coenocytic when young. Asexual reproduction takes place by sporangia, sporangiola, or merosporangia, or rarely by chlamydospores, arthrospores, or blastospores. Sexual reproduction is characterized by more or less globose zygospores. In asexual reproduction, special non-motile hyphae called sporangiophores produce sporangia that form in an upright fashion.