Fungicides formulated commercially are of two types viz., liquid formulations and solid formulations. Synergists are added to increase the toxicity of fungicides. Compatibility, particle size, abrasiveness, absorbability, specific gravity and cost are some important basic points to be considered in the selection of dusts. The fungicides are commonly applied by dusting or by spraying. In dust formulations diluents are added to obtain proper coverage. In order to increase the efficiency of the sprays, substances like wetting agents, dispersing agents, spreaders, stickers etc. are added during formulation. These materials are called as auxiliaries or adjuants. When two or more chemicals are mixed to make up a successful spray or dust mixture, they are said to be compatible. When two chemicals are brought together in a single spray mixture, due to reaction, a compound differing from either parent may be formed. A knowledge of the effects of such compounds on the plants when applied is essential to avoid phytotoxicity.