introduces probabilistic characteristics of stochastic processes, which are invariant with respect to a group of their mappings. The interconnection between introduced probabilistic characteristics and metric relations between the instantaneous values (the samples) of stochastic processes in metric space is shown. Informational characteristics of stochastic processes are introduced. Chapter 3 establishes the necessary condition, according to which a stochastic process possess the ability to carry information. The mapping is introduced that allows considering an arbitrary stochastic process as subalgebra of generalized Boolean algebra with a measure. Informational properties of stochastic processes are introduced axiomatically on the base of the axiom of a measure of a binary operation of generalized Boolean algebra. The main obtained results are formulated in the form of corresponding theorems. Invariants of bijective mappings of stochastic processes introduced on the base of corresponding definitions provide successful using generalized Boolean algebra with a measure to describe physical and informational signal interactions in signal spaces.