In the real world, when dealing with numbers a degree of accuracy is needed. For example, if a piece of wood of a certain length was required, asking for a length of 123.732461 centimeters would not be sensible as such accurate measurements are not possible. What is more usual is some form of rounding. The method of rounding is commonly used in mathematical applications in science and engineering. It is the one generally taught in mathematics classes in high school. The method is also known as round-half-up. The round-to-even method, also known as unbiased rounding or Gaussian rounding, exactly replicates the common method of rounding except when the digits following the rounding digit starts with a 5 and has no nonzero digits after it. Scientific notation, also sometimes known as standard form or as exponential notation, is a way of writing numbers that accommodates values too large or small to be conveniently written in standard decimal notation.