The most puzzling problem is how to reduce the risk of compromise. It is a formidable challenge, and there are many existing solutions to mitigate this risk. This chapter presents a new proposal called self-healing cluster controlled mobility (SH-CCM) scheme. This is based on hybrid cooperation between proactive and reactive peers and the sick sensors at both network and cluster levels, to guarantee the security in Unattended wireless sensor networks (UWSNs). It is clear that the SH-CCM scheme achieves two enhancements: In the first one, it has a better backward secrecy over the other scheme. In the second one; it compared with cooperative hybrid self-healing randomized distributed. The sensor may exist in one of the following four states: occupied, sick, healthy, and mobile. Sensor mobility enable a new set of possibilities in UWSNs; it can be considered a complementary solution to solve the problem of healthy peer leakage.