Seven different kinds of binding have been mentioned in Triesman: Property binding, Part binding, Range binding, Hierarchical binding, Conditional binding, Temporal binding and Location binding. The electroencephalography (EEG) is processed in order to understand what is happening inside the brain, that is, how the brain is working, albeit very little can be told about the brain from the EEG. Nevertheless, scalp EEG study is the cheapest and easiest way to study the brain. A signal may be considered to be a superposition of different waveforms. Then a signal can also be decomposed into those waveforms, provided they can be identified in a practical way. Wavelets are mathematical models of those waveforms. Fourier transformation– based phase synchronization captures the geometric flavor of that classical notion. Also, unlike the previous two measures, the Fourier transform– based phase synchronization measure works in a frequency domain rather than a time domain.