Age-period-cohort analysis (APC) is a popular and efficient tool to analyze data of a certain event, such as death, diagnosis of cancer, crime, and so on. APC analysis often concerns the secular trend of disease incidence or mortality in epidemiology, or the trend of social events or deaths in social studies or demography. An APC study examines the rate or frequency of an event in a population within a geographic region, estimates the effects of age, period, and birth cohort on the likelihood of event occurrence, and identifies secular trends in the age, period, and cohort. This chapter provides four real data sets with detailed descriptions. The first two are lung cancer mortality data among US males and US females. The third is the US mortality data in both males and females who were diagnosed with the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). The fourth is the mean value of retirement accounts of US families in social surveys from 1989 to 2010.