Family Sagittariidae is a monotypic family, endemic to the Afrotropical Region. It breeds in Kenya. In Afrotropical region Secretary bird is widely distributed south (S) of 17°N, absent only from S Somalia and the equatorial lowland forest areas of the west (W). Distribution in Kenya represents the E limit of the range. In Kenyan region the Secretary bird is a terrestrial predator, usually in pairs and typical of habitats ranging from wooded grassland to grassy plains, mainly up to 3000 m. Pitman found it at about 4000 m on Mt Kenya 63A. The scarcity of records in 64 65 77 78 resembles the distribution of the Ostrich, and represents an area of thicker bush/woodland and, to a lesser extent, cultivation, that is unattractive to ground species. Scarcity of this species in W Kenya 48 60 73 and at the coast probably reflects a combination of high rainfall and human pressure.