Family Phasianidae contains 165 species, with representatives in all zoogeographical regions. Forty one are found in the Afrotropical Region, and sixteen of these reach Kenya. Apart from the Chestnutnaped Francolin, which is on the very edge of its range on the Ethiopian border, all of these species are known to have bred in Kenya at some time. The Quail is the only phasianid with both Palearctic migrant and Afrotropical breeding races. In Afrotropical Region Stone partridge found on the north (N) tropics, from the west coast, mainly between 6°N and 16°N, east to Ethiopia, N Uganda and, on the southeast extremity of the range, northwest Kenya. In Afrotropical Region Jackson's francolin is a montane francolin, endemic to the Cherangani Hills and C highlands of Kenya and to Mt Elgon on the Kenya/Uganda border. Moorland francolin is a montane species, endemic to the highlands of south Ethiopia and C Kenya and to Mt Elgon on the Kenya/Uganda border.