A nocturnal and insectivorous family of approximately 72 species, with representatives in all tropical and temperate areas. The only montane African nightjar, this species is apparently closely allied to the Fiery-necked Nightjar: the two are allopatric at QSD scale, and virtually so altitudinally. This nightjar is apparently resident, and one ringed in Jan 1970 in Nairobi 75B was recovered in Nov 1973 only 4 km away. At the highest altitudes, around 3000 m at Mau Narok 61D, Se described it as both resident and partially migrant. There are no breeding records, and Nubian nightjar's status in Kenya is uncertain. The Dusky Nightjar makes considerable movements at least locally, and birds at the Ngulia lights 101A, where it is scarce in Nov but common in Dec, are presumably migrants. The few breeding records are from the NW and W, at Turkana, Mt Elgon 36D, and Eldama Ravine 49D: their May-Aug seasonality compares with that of Mar-Sept breeding immigrants in NW Somalia.