This chapter discusses the birds comes under the family Estrildidae: Waxbills, Twinspots, Firefinches, Negrofinches, Cordon-bleus, Mannikins, Grey-headed negrofinch, Green-winged pytilia, Orange-winged pytilia, Paradise whydah, Peters' twinspot, Green-backed twinspot, Red-headed bluebill, Abyssinian crimson-wing, Red-billed firefinch and Red-billed firefinch indigobird. The family also include: Jameson's firefinch, African firefinch, Blue-capped cordon-bleu, Purple grenadier, Waxbill, Pin-tailed whydah, Steel-blue whydah, Zebra waxbill, Quailfinch, Silver-bill, Cut-throat and others. The firefinches are a link between the twinspots and related genera and the typical waxbills, and the Bar-breasted forms part of a species-group with the Red-billed Firefinch (HM). The Waxbill forms part of a species-group with the Black-rumped and Crimson-rumped Waxbills (HM). This whydah parasitises the Waxbill and perhaps other congeners. Black-Cheeked Waxbill range is quite similar to that of the Crimson-rumped Waxbill, and the two can be sympatric (HM). In general, however, the Black-cheeked Waxbill (and particularly its moister country, Black-chinned race) is more arboreal than most of its congeners (HM; Br).