This chapter discusses the birds which are comes under the family Fringillidae: Buntings, Seed-eaters, Canaries, Cinnamon-breasted rock bunting, Cinnamon-breasted rock bunting, House bunting, Golden-breasted bunting, Yellow-crowned canary, African citril, Yellow-fronted canary, Yellow-rumped seed-eater, Grosbeak canary, Thick-billed seed-eater, Streaky seed-eater, Oriole finch and others. Cinnamon-Breasted Rock bunting is considered resident in semiarid country at Baringo 50A (St), 88D 89C 100B and 101A, and in moist subhumid 75B. Br describes it as both a resident and wanderer, and two Nov individuals around the top of the altitude range at humid Mau Narok 61D (Se) presumably belong in the latter category. The Cinnamon-breasted Rock Bunting forms part of a species-group with the House Bunting (1048)(HM). The Golden-breasted Bunting forms a superspecies with the very similar Somali Golden-breasted Bunting, which replaces it allopatrically in lower and drier country (HM; Br). Somali Golden-Breasted bunting reaches the Kenya coast at and N of Malindi 103A (Ja), but is confined to the coastal hinterland further S (Br).