Cervical spine pathology is quite frequently accompanied by Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD). The frequent association of RSD with cervical spine pathology is the result of the fact that vertebral arteries are accompanied by rich plexus of sympathetic nerve fibers. The complex anatomical structures of the cervical spine are richly innervated by the sympathetic nervous system. Cervical spondylosis is only matched by diabetes and syphilis as the "master immitators" in neurology. In cervical spondylosis on the basis of the same Sherrington phenomenon, the pain may radiate to the chest wall and precordial region after stimulation of the cardiac plexus. Cervicogenic RSD in rare cases can cause tremor in the hand and forearm, and in some cases it can be severe enough to cause writer's cramp and illegible handwriting. The main manifestations of the neuropsychiatric cerebral dysfunction are phobia, depression, extremely low threshold for pain, tendency for suicide, marked movement disorders in the form of spasticity and weakness of extremity.