Trigger point (TP) is an area of pain in the muscle that is usually some distance away from the original pathologic condition originating the pain. TP is quite a common phenomenon. The TP is usually cold because of the fact that the TP is accompanied by vasospasm in the muscle. TP is quite commonly a complication of Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy. TP injection of the brachialis muscle relieves pain at the base of the thumb. The deltoid TP injection relieves pain in the shoulder. TP injection in triceps muscle relieves pain in the elbow and fourth and fifth fingers of the hand. Injection of the adductor muscles relieves pain in the groin and quadriceps region. The cold TP is formed by longstanding myofascial reaction to the accumulation of substance P and other irritants in the area of referred pain. The active TP is a hyperactive focus of pain in the muscle usually accompanied by other forms of autonomic disorder.