It is rare when a section of any food service handbook is totally devoted to pureed foods. Presented here are basic entrees with emphasis on Main Dishes, Vegetables, Fruits, Salads, Desserts, Sauces and Supplements. It is instructional to mention that the Standardized Recipes information (discussed in Chapter II) is part of culinary science, and the following examples are no exception. For your convenience, the “Adapted to __ Servings” column allows adjustment to your census needs. (You may wish to pencil in your figures underneath this heading in the rows corresponding to the ingredients.) I encourage you to determine cost/serving, quality expectations, and preparation time as dictated by your managerial expertise. If the item is appropriate for calorie-controlled diets, exchanges are calculated. A Glossary of Food Terms is included at the end of this chapter. Please refer to Appendix 3 for explanation of abbreviations and equivalents.