ABSTRACT: Low levels of family and social support can affect the quality of life of the elderly with hypertension. This study aimed to determine the relationship between family social support and the life quality of elders with hypertension. This was a cross-sectional study using accidental sampling technique. Data was collected from 123 elderly patients with hypertension and used the Interpersonal Support Evaluation List (ISEL)and the abbreviated World Health Organization Quality of Life (WHOQOL-BREF) questionnaires. The data was analysed using chi-squared tests. The results indicated that there is a relationship between family social support and quality of life for elderly patients with hypertension (p-value = 0.000). The elderly with hypertension who have high levels of family social support also have a good quality of life. Nurses are recommended to deliver counselling to families such that they should be more active in providing motivation and full attention to their elders with hypertension. As a result, it is expected that a good quality of life could be achieved.