Mobile manipulation can be illustrated by combining the Baxter model with the previous mobot mobile platform. The mobile-manipulation process can be commanded in increments by running a sequence of nodes. The fetch-and-stack node includes action clients of both the command bundler (for perception and manipulation) and movebase (for navigation planning and execution). This chapter presents an illustration that uses all four forms of robot operating system (ROS) communications. They are parameter server, publish and subscribe, services and action servers. Robot simulation, sensor simulation, robot modeling and visualization are used to combine a mobile platform, a dual-arm robot and a Kinect sensor. Perceptual processing is used to locate objects of interest. The examplese presented examples show the potential for ROS to simplify building large, complex robotic systems. ROS's use of packages, nodes, and messaging options encourages modularization, code re-use, collaboration, and ease of extensibility and testability.