This chapter describes how a pulse shaper can provide both functions, accurate pulse characterization and pulse compression. Moreover, the pulse shaper can be fully automated, simplifying the consistent delivery of transform-limited (or precisely shaped) pulses at the target. The realization that second-harmonic generation, sum-frequency generation, difference-frequency generation, and essentially most nonlinear optical processes can be controlled by the spectral phase input because of multiphoton intrapulse interference (MII) has very important implications. All conventional methods require interferometric setups of two or more pulses. The setups involve multiple paths, with adjustable lengths and overlapping in space and time of two or more beams. Nonlinear optical processes are sensitive to spectral phase; this has been known for decades. MIIPS pulse characterization is illustrated by considering first three types of pulses: transform limited, linearly chirped, and pulses with third-order dispersion.