A concrete realization of a tribosystem, the ‘manifested tribosystem’, is observed in terms of quantum theory, in full accordance with the meaning given to fundamental concept by P. Dirac. A manifested tribosystem is a result of the information field perturbation is properly tribosystem being in the initial nonlocal quantum state. Under the quantum approach, a tribosystem is born by perturbations of the primary information field at the measurement, like splashes from a liquid surface when various items fall there and like those splashes break up into separate drops, individual visible tribosystems arise. The use of formalism and the views of perturbation theory as the basis for quantum system dynamics are based on the definition of motion as energy exchange of a physical system with the environment or neighboring physical systems. The physical consideration of the impact of physical fields on the kinetics of tribophysical processes, based on applying continuum electrodynamics, is a complicated task from the mathematical point of view.