Any quantum particle at rest has a probability amplitude that characterizes the possibility to find this system in any point of phase multidimensional space. This chapter establishes the dependencies between the energies of various states of a manifested tribosystem, which, in turn, is a product of reduction of a quantum non-local ‘properly tribosystem’. Quantum mechanism of frictional interaction is based on the assumption that the friction force may be represented as an exchange of special quasiparticles, tribons, the quanta of frictional interaction, between the surfaces. There are two approaches to the notation of the motion equation in quantum mechanics. They are called Schrodinger and Heisenberg pictures. The diagonal elements of the density matrix describe the basic state of a quantum system and the off-diagonal elements characterize the correlations inside a tribosystem. The points on the Bloch sphere surface corresponding to the pure state are localized near the poles of the system; the other points correspond to mixed quantum states.