Most induced defenses affect handling times and/or attack rates of consumers and thus their functional responses and per capita consumption rates. The chapter describes models that assume there is herbivory and attempt to predict how plants will allocate resources to either deter herbivory or compensate for its effects. Woody plants allocate their acquired resources, energy (or carbon) and nutrients, to meet their several essential functions. In order to grow and reproduce, plants allocate resources to acquire solar radiation by growing leaf biomass and to acquire nutrients by growing fine root biomass. Allocation of resources to anti-herbivore defense was not included in the brief review of models. PLATHO (PLAnts as Tree and Herb Objects) simulates the growth of plants, including their carbon and nitrogen fluxes. The dynamics of a tree in steady state is modeled to determine the allocation strategy that maximizes growth under given conditions of light, nutrient availability, and defoliation.