Throughout this book, I have proposed a user experience (UX) framework to help you design magical experiences by providing some basic knowledge about the brain and UX guidelines. This framework has been useful to me, and I’m hoping it will also be useful for you. But it certainly needs refinement, and you will likely need to adjust it to your own challenges. I’m certainly open to your feedback and suggestions, and I would be curious to know what worked or didn’t work for you, what feels irrelevant, and what might be missing. Keep in mind, though, that this framework is not an empirically validated one. I am using some academic knowledge about the brain and renowned UX heuristics (especially the usability ones) complemented by other fuzzier concepts that are less proven empirically (such as game flow). It’s a framework put together from my practice of UX in the game industry during the past decade or so, and it’s focused on communication and collaboration among teams, while keeping in mind the capabilities and limitations of the brain. So, do not hesitate to challenge it. It is, after all, the whole point of the scientific method to challenge theories, even those originating from practice. And as Don Norman (2013) said, “In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice, there is.”