A story's premise is the idea—the who, what, and where. Toy story's premise is the secret life of toys. The Premise is chiefly all an audience knows, and uses, to decide whether to see a movie, play a game, or interact with virtual reality (VR). Jeffery Katzenberg did concede that though his focus is on the core idea, all animations must also contain a good story, well executed. He conceded that he only knew of one time where in the field of animation somebody had a bad idea and had perfect execution, Ratatouille. A story works best when it embodies the theme but does not argue or preach it. Charlie Kaufman believes coming up with a compelling story means considering "opposite, even repulsive ideas". Viewers come to a story curious, anticipating the journey ahead. The rules of the story world span its codes of behavior, political framework, daily cultural interactions, and social patterns.