This chapter presents an easy way to understand the statistical regression model—that is, ordinary least squares (OLS) and logistic regression (LR) models—as an extension of the method of understanding a market segmentation (MS). It illustrates the proposed method with an LR model. The illustration brings out the power of the method in that it imparts supplementary information, making up for a deficiency in the ever-relied-upon regression coefficient for understanding a statistical regression model. The chapter provides the SAS subroutines, which serve as a valued addition to any bag of statistical methods. The displayed data structures of the market segmentation (MS) EZ-method are Segmentor-Mean by Cluster and Indexed Profiles of Clusters. The extension of the MS EZ-method subroutines is all but identical for the LR EZ-method. Carrying the MS EZ-method to the LR EZ-method, there are two required modifications.