Text mining is data mining of textual data. This chapter discusses the user-friendliness and usability of text mining. The framework of text mining comes with several terms and concepts not found in ordinary data mining. In the 1990s, text mining applications have exploded due to the Internet's burgeoning textual data arrival of website pages, social media, buyers' reviews, bloggers' commentaries, insurance claims, diagnostic interviews, and so on. Text mining is one part of four other overlapping disciplines referred to as text processing. The disciplines include: Natural language processing (NLP), Computational linguistics (CL), Information retrieval (IR), and Machine learning (ML). The difficult part of starting a text mining project is choosing which software to execute the text mining. There are many choices, but they fall into two categories: free and commercial. TXTDM is a simple, inexpensive solution to acquire a text mining application using only the Base SAS product.