A boundary line is located by survey, either original or retracement. A boundary line is defined by two boundary corners. The word “boundary” has also been defined as “a line or object indicating the limit or furthest extent of a tract of land or territory; a separating or dividing line between countries, states, districts of territory, or tracts of land.”*

A corner has been defined as the intersection of two converging lines or surfaces; an angle, whether internal or external; as the “corner” of a building, the four “corners” of a square, the “corner” of two streets. A mere variation in a line does not constitute a “corner.”†

Not all corners are monumented. But they still exist, as a corner, by definition. Notwithstanding the Colorado decision in the case of Lugon v. Closier‡ wherein the court stated that a corner that has never been set is a myth.